Editing and Publishing Services for Writers, Agents, Publishers, and Self-Publishers
There were more than 110,000
new titles printed last year.
If you're an author, now, more than ever, your work needs
to be edited before it even
goes off to a publisher. If you're a publisher, your book
needs to be the best or it won't be able to compete in
such a vast field of competition. I offer book and manuscript editing services to authors, book publishers, and those who are choosing to self-publish. I also offer other editing and book-related services, such as graphic design and layout. I've been a book editor for nine years,
on both sides of the "publishing fence." First
as a book doctor helping authors get their manuscript
into publishable form and in the door of publishing
house, and then as an associate publisher at a publishing
house deciding which books to publish. These experiences
have given me a unique view of book editing: sympathetic
to the author who is trying to get published but also
able to see things from the publisher's side of things.
The latter can help you achieve the former.
I Offer the Following Editorial Services for Writers, Agents, Publishers, and Self-Publishers:
Publishers and Self-Publishers:
If you have questions or if you are interested in any of my book editing or publishing services, please feel free to contact me directly. My contact information is given below. Be sure to check out my Free Writing Tips for some advice on how to submit your manuscript to publishers, editing tips, what editors and publishers look for, and other writing and editing advice. I have also posted a rather interesting article on e-books along with some of my thoughts and comments on e-books and e-publishing. Come Back Soon! I try to add new writing tips and update this site as often as I can but please be patient as my main priority is the authors I am currently working with. |
"He who checks his own copy has a fool for an editor."
If you're interested in any of my services, feel free to contact me by e-mail at: bookdr*wvi.com.
Make sure you replace the asterisk with an "@". (This helps avoid overloading my inbox with spam.)
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